Migrate a Repository
Let’s migrate!
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Let’s migrate!
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At last, it’s time to migrate a repository to GitHub! You’ll do this entirely in Migration HQ.
At the end of this section, you will have a repository that has been migrated from its source and into your GitHub organization.
After scanning your source for repositories, you navigated to Migration HQ’s Issues page, where you saw the open issues list:
Each item in the open issues list represents a repository to be migrated. After migrating a repository, Warp automatically closes its issue, which moves it to the closed issues list.
Let’s migrate a repository! For this example, we’ll migrate TailwindTraders-Website, whose issue is at the top of the open issues list pictured above.
🛠️ In your open issues list, click on the issue for the repository you want to migrate.
The page for the issue will appear:
🛠️ Scroll to the comments section at the bottom of the issue page:
You issue commands to Warp in comments by using slash commands — commands that begin with the slash (/
) character. One of these commands is /migrate, which tells Warp to migrate the repository represented by this issue.
🛠️ Enter the slash command /migrate
into the comment box and click the Comment button.
A couple of seconds later, Warp will confirm that it received the command. The comments section will look like this:
Warp — which will have the user name packfiles-warp — always provides a response to your commands as a follow-up comment. In the example above, it’s notifying you that the migration process has begun.
It typically takes a few minutes to perform a migration. Let’s use this time to watch the migration’s progress.
🛠️ Switch to Migration HQ’s Actions page by clicking the Actions tab:
You’ll see a new Warp Runner Agent running the workflow that performs the migration:
🛠️ Click on the Runner Agent to get a closer look at what it’s doing.
You’ll see the Runner Agent’s page:
Let’s get an even closer look at what the Runner Agent is doing.
🛠️ Click on the job that the Runner Agent is running — it’s any of the objects onscreen labeled Packfiles Warp Runner Agent that has a spinning yellow icon beside it:
You’ll go to a page where you can see the log files that the job is generating in real time:
A couple of minutes later, the migration will be complete. You’ll know this has happened when the Runner Agent’s icon changes from spinning and yellow to a static green checkmark:
🛠️ Click the Actions tab to return to the top level of the Actions page.
You’ll see that the Runner Agent completed its tasks:
With the Runner Agent’s tasks complete, your repository has been migrated! Let’s look at its issue.
🛠️ Click the Issues tab to view the Issues page.
You’ll see something like this:
Notice that:
There’s one less item in the open issues list, and
There one new item in the formerly empty closed issues list.
🛠️ Click the Closed tab to view the closed issues list.
You’ll see the issue for the newly migrated repository:
🛠️ Click the issue to view its details:
You’ll see that the issue has been updated:
🛠️ Scroll to the comments section at the bottom of the page.
You’ll see a new comment from Warp, followed by a new notification:
The comment informs you that the migration was successful and provides a link to the newly migrated repository.
The notification below the comment informs you that Warp automatically closed this issue.
🛠️ Confirm that the migration was successful by clicking the link in the comment. In this example, the link is the text Tailwind-Traders.TailwindTraders-Website.
Here’s what the example migrated repository looks like:
🙌 Congratulations — you did it! 🙌
You successfully migrated a repository!
Search for the 🛠️ emoji if you’d like to skim through this content while focusing on the steps you need to follow.